🌸Cherry Blossoms

Spring is a beautiful and popular time in Washington DC because of our cherry blossoms. The Cherry Blossom Festival is a spring celebration, but whether you come for that, or just the pictures, it is a gorgeous and very “pink” time of year. There are the Yoshino Cherry (70% of total) and Kwanzan Cherry (12.6% of total) that now dominate.

The Yoshino produces single white blossoms that create an effect of white clouds around the Tidal Basin and north onto the grounds of the Washington Monument.

The Kwanzan grow primarily in East Potomac Park and comes into bloom two weeks after the Yoshino. It produces clusters of clear pink double blossoms. East Potomac Park also has Fugenzo, which produces rosy pink double blossoms, and Shirofugen, which produces white double blossoms that age to pink.